Goetz Collection is one of the world's most important collections of contemporary art. The When Now is Minimal. The Unknown Side of the Goetz Collection exhibition project shows how different generations of artists have addressed the theme of Minimalism and realized their ideas using a whole raft of different contemporary forms of artistic expression. And not just the classical representatives of Minimal Art felt the reduction to simple, clear and usually geometric underlying structures was key. In the multi-media age the method is forever topical. Precisely many of the young artists working in an abstract idiom have taken up their predecessors ideas, albeit in a much more leisurely, free, playful and not least far more unorthodox way, have varied it and developed their own artistic style. Here, quite often stylistic features and shapes blend, whereas the earlier generation sought to keep these separate. The wealth of artistic media on show ranges from works on paper through paintings to wall and light installations, itself highlighting how topical the ideas are, and how they cut across the lines dividing the various genres.
Artist Gerwald Rockenschaub, who came to fame with pictures, murals and installations resplendent in bright colors, designed the exhibition architecture and the color concept.